Become a Seller

Become a Seller on DentalOverstock in 3 easy steps

Are you a dental professional looking for a sustainable way to manage your unused dental supplies and equipment?

Here is how you can begin selling on DentalOverstock.

1. Sign up for an account

2. Register to "Become a Seller"

3. Post your product details and photo

There is a verification process that must be completed before you can post products.

About the DentalOverstock Platform is an e-commerce marketplace dedicated to dental professionals. We provide the platform for buyers and sellers to communicate, enabling you the opportunity to buy or sell items with other dental professionals.  Our platform also features an online store, where you can find overstock items straight from the manufacturer.

For dental professionals looking for a sustainable way to manage their unused supplies, DentalOverstock is the perfect solution! Our platform offers a convenient and eco-friendly way to reduce waste in the dental industry by allowing you to sell your excess supplies instead of disposing of them as "trash.” The DentalOverstock marketplace makes it easy for dental professionals to find buyers for their excess supplies.


       Are you a dental professional looking to upgrade your office equipment? Don't know what to do with your current equipment? Look no further than DentalOverstock! We make it easy for you to quickly and securely post your items for sale and instantly reach your target audience - other dental professionals.  Make the most of your old equipment and put that money back into your business, with DentalOverstock!


   Frustration and delays are common occurrences for dentists when dealing with backordered items. With DentalOverstock, we make it easy to connect with other dental professionals to find the supplies you need to buy.  A simple product search may identify a peer that is selling exactly what you need.